Acupressure is a massage therapy technique that is based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that applies pressure using thumbs and fingers to mobilize chi or life force energy at specific spots on the body called acupressure points or acupuncture points or acupoints. Western science has also revealed that these acupoints are associated with body meridians. It stimulates and activates the body’s own healing energies to prevent illness and disorders and also helps to promote energy flow to a specific part of the body by enabling it to heal more quickly in a natural way.
How does it work?
Traditional Chinese Medicine has over 800 vital energy points that run over body meridians called Qi (or Ki), from head to heel. The human body comprises 14 meridians that help to transmit energy throughout the body. These meridians meticulously mapped out by Chinese acupressurist who begins at the fingertips, connect to the brain and specific organ of the body. The acupressurist may use his elbows, knees, or even feet for doing certain treatments and may sometimes use a special blunt instrument to cure certain disorders in a natural way.
Session Includes
Gallbladder 20 (GB20) : Feng Chi This type of acupoint massage therapy is recommended for headache, migraine, eye blurriness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and cold/flu symptoms. The therapist will apply the firm pressure on your mastoid (ear) bone by following the groove back neck muscle attached to the skull.
Gallbladder 21 (GB21): Jian Jing This acupoint massage therapy is done by pinching the shoulder muscle with your thumb and middle finger and is commonly used for relieving stress, headaches, toothaches and neck pain.
Large Intestine 4 (LI4): He Gu This acupoint massage therapy is good for stress, headaches, toothaches, facial pain and neck pain. However, this may cause discomfort to pregnant women’s and can induce during labor pain.
Liver 3 (LV3): Tai Chong The therapist will apply acupressure on your feet to stimulate stress, lower back pain, high blood pressure, limb pain, insomnia and depression.
Pericardium 6 (P6): Nei Guan This acupoint massage can help to get relief from nausea, anxiety, carpal tunnel syndrome, upset stomach, motion sickness and headaches and is even useful for activation of heart palpitations.
Triple Energizer 3: Zhong Zhu This acupoint massage is applied in the groove formed by the tendons of the 4th and 5th finger, behind the knuckles and is commonly used in the clinic for temporal headaches, shoulder, neck tension and upper back pain.
Spleen 6 (SP6): San Yin Jiao This acupoint massage is highly beneficial for many urological and pelvic disorders as well as fatigue and insomnia.
Stomach36 (ST36): Zu San Li You can find this acupoint massage as highly beneficial for fatigue and depression as well as knee pain and gastrointestinal discomfort.